Introducing the newest and largest member of the Toyota family to Sherwood Park Toyota; the 2019 Toyota Sequoia. Inspired by the Tundra, this large SUV rules the road, with its strong and sturdy design that is going to lead you and your family on an adventure. Bring the fun back to road tripping in this powerful and spacious SUV that welcomes up to eight passengers in its three rows of seating. Don’t forget to bring your outdoor gear with you since the 2019 Toyota Sequoia has excellent towing capabilities for a vacation you will never forget.
At Sherwood Park Toyota Toyota, there are three models of the 2019 Toyota Sequoia available. This includes the Toyota Sequoia SR5, Limited and Platinum. The differences between the models are realized in the Toyota Sequoia interior, with premium features in the Limited and luxurious additions to the Platinum. What’s more, there is also the exclusive 2019 Toyota Sequoia TRD Sport Package in Sherwood Park Toyota Toyota. This is the fun adventure SUV that will go off-road and kick up some dirt and the sporty black features to the exterior make this vehicle look aggressive on the road.
Choosing only a few of the best features from the 2019 Toyota Sequoia is a challenge! There are lots of intricate details that make this SUV special and makes the driving experience effortless in Sherwood Park Toyota Toyota. For example, the integrated garage door opener means that you can simply hit the button and hit the road; you don’t have to waste any time! Of course, a lot of families love the Toyota Sequoia SUV for its cargo space. But, there is also a tonneau cover included for your cargo, which is going to secure and organise all of your luggage, camping gear and other items you need for an outdoor adventure.
Do you want to make the most of the warm and sunny weather when you are traveling? Now you can with the power sunroof featured on the 2019 Toyota Sequoia. You can let the fresh air in by tilted open the sunroof, as well as opening it fully. There is also a sliding shade that can cover the sunroof entirely.
One of the biggest challenges when you are going on a road trip is keeping the kids entertained on the way. The 2019 Toyota Sequoia takes care of that for you! The Platinum model features backseat entertainment, with a nine-inch LCD rear monitor that folds down from the roof and lets your passengers watch their favourite movies on the move. The DVD player also plays Blu-Ray discs, with two headphone inputs for a cinematic experience.
When you are looking for a family car in Sherwood Park, one of the most elements that you look for in a vehicle is safety and reliability. This is where the 2019 Toyota Sequoia excels. All of the models come with Toyota Safety Sense P as standard, which means that you can enjoy a host of fantastic features that are going to keep you and your family safe on the road like never before. For example, the pre-collision system monitors the actions of the drivers that are in front of you, warning the driver of dangers and even braking if you miss something. The lane departure assist is another innovative feature that is going to help you stay in your lane at all times by providing steering help when you don’t realize you are straying from your lane. In addition, automatic light beams are going to make night-time driving easy. Nowadays, drivers can’t live without adaptive cruise control. This is going to let you get to where you need to go but keep you at a safe driving speed from the vehicle in front.
When you are going on a road trip, the 2019 Toyota Sequoia has got your back. Keyless entry makes jumping into this large SUV effortless, with no need to dig out your keys from the bottom of your bag or get them out of your pocket. The Toyota Sequoia interior reveals a range of cool technology, with a 6.1-inch touchscreen infotainment system. It is easy to find your favourite radio station with integrated SiriusXM and there is also Bluetooth capability so that you can connect your mobile device. In addition, built-in navigation means that you will never get lost on your journey. There are controls on the steering wheels so that you can answer calls and control the volume, plus a USB input can charge your phone on the dash. There are eight speakers around the vehicle, with the 2019 Toyota Sequoia Platinum even offering a JBL sound system with 14 speakers so all the family can enjoy a fantastic experience. Why not have a family sing-along on your road trip? With the 2019 Toyota Sequoia available at Sherwood Park Toyota, adventure awaits.
The 2019 Toyota Sequoia takes on a strong and muscular design that makes you feel confident on the road. This large SUV has four doors, with running boards for easy access. The 18 to 20-inch alloy wheels pop on this vehicle, with the Platinum boasting its own 20-inch unique aluminium alloy wheels and the TRD Sport Package with sporty black alloy wheels. There are front and rear splash guards and the chrome grille is wide, with the Toyota emblem centred in the middle. There are roof rails and the Limited and Platinum models have a rear spoiler. In addition, the Platinum features attractive chrome handles and mirrors that complement the chrome grille. The TRD Sport Package takes the 2019 Toyota Sequoia to the next level, with a black grille and chrome accents, as well as blacked out badges.
You have a range of modest yet attractive colours to choose from for the 2019 Toyota Sequoia in Sherwood Park. This includes Super White, Blizzard Pearl, Silver Sky Metallic, Magnetic Grey Metallic, Midnight Black Metallic and Shoreline Blue Pearl.
The wait is over! The 2019 Toyota Sequoia is the ideal vehicle for towing and comfort, and it’s available for plenty of upgrades and customization options. Start your journey in the new Sequoia and we at Sherwood Park Toyota want to help you make it happen. Visit us at 31 Automall Rd, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0C7 or give our expert Sales Staff a call at (780) 410-2455 today.
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